Sep 21, 2022
Comin’ Hot To Green Bay: Pros And Cons Of A Concrete Driveway

Key Takeaways:

  1. Concrete driveways are an excellent option for those in Green Bay due to the cooler temperatures in the summer and easier shoveling in the winter.
  2. It’s made with natural materials and is therefore environmentally friendly.
  3. Stamped concrete offers even more sustainability as you can make it with recycled materials.
  4. Concrete driveways have many benefits and drawbacks, making them an excellent choice for homeowners in any climate.

As anyone who has ever dealt with a crack or pothole knows, concrete isn’t always the most durable material. But regarding driveways, concrete has advantages over other materials, like asphalt.

In this blog post, we’ll help clarify if the concrete is the best option for your driveway by taking a look at the pros & cons!

Pros of Concrete


The initial investment for a concrete driveway is higher than that of an asphalt driveway, but it will be much more cost-effective in the long run. That’s because concrete driveways last much longer than asphalt and will need far less maintenance.


Concrete is a very tough and durable material, so your driveway will be able to withstand a lot of wear and tear. It can last for 30 years or more. On the other hand, an asphalt driveway will only last for about 15-20 years before it needs to be replaced. So, if you’re looking for a driveway that will last a long time, concrete is the way to go.

Attractive Appearance

Achieving a polished, professional finish is easy with concrete – you don’t need to spend extra time and money on upkeep. It’s the best way to make your home look great and impress visitors.


The wide range of colors, patterns, shapes, and textures allows you to customize your landscape to match your vision. You can even get a driveway that resembles brick, stone, or any other type of material.

Easy to Maintain

Once a concrete driveway is installed, there isn’t much you need to do to maintain it. You need to sweep it regularly & hose it down as needed. Asphalt driveways require more maintenance, such as sealcoating every few years.

Can Handle Heavy Vehicle

It is very strong and can handle the weight of heavy vehicles, like RVs and trucks. Asphalt driveways can also handle heavy vehicles but are more likely to crack under the weight.

Works For All Kinds of Weather

Concrete, light in color, will stay cooler than other materials during summertime. Also, concrete driveways are easier to shovel snow off in the winter.

Environmentally Friendly

These driveways are made with natural materials, so they’re an environmentally friendly option. If you choose a stamped concrete driveway, you can use recycled materials for the patterns.

Read: Can we recycle concrete?

Cons of Concrete

High Upfront Cost

The biggest downside to a concrete driveway is the cost. It typically costs about $3,500 – $4,500, which is significantly more than an asphalt driveway. However, because these driveways last much longer than asphalt driveways, they eventually end up being cheaper in the long run.

Stains and Spills

These driveways are susceptible to staining from oil, grease, and other spills. You’ll need to clean them up right away and take extra care not to spill anything in the first place. To help prevent stains, you can seal your concrete driveway.

Cracks and Chips

It can crack and chip over time. This is true if the concrete is not installed correctly or if it’s not sealed. You can minimize the risk of cracks and chips by choosing high-quality concrete and having it installed by a professional.

Difficult to Repair

If your concrete driveway does develop cracks or chips, it can be challenging to repair. You’ll need to find a matching concrete mix and carefully patch the area. The patch may not match the rest of the driveway exactly, so it’s essential to consider this when deciding whether or not to go with concrete.

Maintenance Tips for Concrete Driveway

Keep It Clean

The best way to keep your driveway or patio looking its best is to keep it clean. Sweep it regularly to remove dirt, leaves, & other debris. You can also hose it down from time to time to remove any accumulated build-up.

Remove Stains Quickly

If you spill something on your concrete, it’s important to clean it up as soon as possible. The longer a stain sits, the more difficult it will be to remove. There are a variety of products available specifically for removing stains from concrete.

Seal Cracks and Chips

If you see any damage like cracks or chips, you should seal your concrete driveway as soon as possible. This help in preventing the problem from getting worse and will make your driveway look more polished and well-maintained.

A country road with cracks in the asphalt

Be Careful with Chemicals

Certain chemicals can damage concrete, so it’s important to be careful when using them near your driveway. Bleach, for example, can discolor concrete, so you should avoid using it to clean your driveway.

Think Twice Before Parking on It

While concrete is a solid material, it’s not indestructible. If you park on it regularly, there’s a chance you could crack or chip the surface. It’s best to park in a garage to avoid damaging your concrete driveway.


Concrete has many advantages over asphalt and other materials for driveways. It’s durable, cost-effective, and less likely to be damaged by tree roots or freeze-thaw cycles. But it also has some downsides. A concrete driveway can be more expensive to install than asphalt and may not be as visually appealing. But concrete is worth considering if you’re looking for a low-maintenance driveway that will withstand the elements.

At Quality Asphalt, we only use the best materials and equipment. We pride ourselves on having expert knowledge in concrete mixing technology and utilizing top-tier excavation equipment. Our professional concrete installers in Green Bay will help with your high-quality pavement needs from start to finish.

Get a free quote now!